Matkailualan turvallisuuspassi

Turvallisuuskoulutus matkailu- ja ohjelmapalvelualan ammattilaisille

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Matkailualan turvallisuuspassi

Matkailualan turvallisuuspassi, eli Matupa, on majoitus- ja ravitsemisalan, ohjelmapalvelualan ja rinnekeskusten työntekijöille räätälöity turvallisuuskoulutus.

Please contact if you want private course for your group or company.

The Travel Industry Safety Passport, is a safety training program tailored for workers in the accommodation and catering industries, program services, and ski centers.

Safety Passport serves as a proof for these sectors, providing employees with basic information about safety in tourism and inspiring the development of their own safety skills.

The main objectives of the training are to increase customer safety, prevent accidents, and improve the quality of tourism products.

The training includes eight lessons, which can be split over two separate days. The training consists of lectures, discussions, self-assessment, and group work.

The training covers the following topics:

  • The importance of safety in tourism
  • Special features of safety in tourism
  • Laws and regulations
  • Independent risk management
  • Risks in different sectors
  • Action in emergency situations
  • Course exam

Those who pass the exam receive a card that is valid for five years. Exam is easy, knowledge review of the things learned during the course.

Course is held in Ivalo, at Ivalontie 12, from 9 am to 5 pm. Training can be done as well privately for Tourism Companies in Lapland area in the companies own location and facilities. Please contact us to talk about having training for your company,, +358 45 490 2090

The cost of the training is 140 € (incl. VAT 25,5%), which includes the textbook, coffee service, and Matupa card. The trainer is Joni Kautto, a course leader approved by the Travel Industry Safety Passport committee.

You can book the course with including accommodation in Xwander Suites, located in Xwander Basecamp in Ivalo town center, where the course is held. Price of the course including accommodation and airport transfers is total of 210€.

Travel Industry Safety Passport is administered by the Central Organization of Rescue Services in Finland (Spek), and its goal is to create a safer work environment in the tourism industry and to improve the quality of tourism products and services.

This course can be integrated with First Aid Courses for example for 2 days of training, including accommodations in Ivalo.